I'm Jonathan Rennison, founder of Yellowchair.
I lead a specialist multidisciplinary team that coach, train and mentor people and
organisations to maximise their potential
in work and life.
With individuals, our aim to ensure
that you are happy, productive and leading the best life, whether at work or at home.
With organisations, we want to ensure that we are helping build strong, resilient, sustainable high-performance teams.
With 150 years of combined experience,
we have the know-how that you need!
Rachel Steele
Michele Cohen
Helen Clark
Jonathan Rennison
Rachel Steele
Michele Cohen
Helen Clark
Jonathan Rennison
Some of our Clients
King's College London
University of Northampton
Science Museum
Wimbledon Foundation
London Northwest Healthcare NHS Trust
In Touch Networks
Business Link Japan
Natural History Museum
Royal College of Ophthalmologists
The story of the Yellow Chair
When setting up the company, my choices were to use my own name or use something a bit abstract but with meaning. In coaching clients are working directly with me and so I wanted to choose something personal and with meaning that could stand for a represent me.
Then I remembered, when I was a child, before I went to school, we had this old painted yellow chair in the kitchen. I remember dragging that across the floor to stand on it, to be at the kitchen counter with my mum, so that I could ‘help’. I was probably a nuisance, but what I remember is playing, having fun, learning to read and reading books. It was a seat of learning, growth, joy and happiness. For me, when I work with clients I want them to learn and grow and to have fun. At times, it might be hard work, but it will always be fun. So that’s why I choose the yellowchair - it represents all of those things that gave me the right start to succeed and achieve in life.